St Augustine's CE School

Hanson Lane, Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX1 5PG

01422 360615

St Augustine's CE School

Learning for Life


This year, thanks to our dedicated staff, we will be offering a wider range of extra-curricular clubs and activities in school. Please remember that staff give their time to run these clubs for our children and we are extremely grateful to them.


The sports clubs run on Tuesdays and Fridays with the sport and pupil group changing half termly. These clubs are run by one of the sports coaches from Elite Kids coaching and is funded through our Sports Premium money. 


Autumn 1  -  two sports clubs, Choir, Lego club

Autumn 2  - two sports clubs, Choir

Spring 1  -  two sports clubs, Choir, Nature Club, Scratch Junior Coding Club

Spring 2  -  two sports clubs, Choir, Board Games, Hama Beads

Summer 1  -  two sports clubs, Choir, Martial Arts

Summer 2  -  two sports clubs, Choir


If you would like a particular club, why not speak to your class representative on the School Council?